Hyperdock album art
Hyperdock album art


Navigate to your "About" tab and click the "Uninstall" button.Find HyperDock in your System Preferences.Be sure you have your license document (attachment that came with your purchase email) before proceeding.Uninstall, then re-install HyperDock: (as suggested in the opening item).("To screen with mouse cursor" is the key bit) Hyperdock works the other 50% by allowing you to scroll the thumbnail previews to hide/show that window (but not that AND focusing to the space/monitor the cursor is in like it used to). Obviously the app doesn't recognize Hyperdock so you can't do this at the preview thumbnails but on the dock icon itself. It can macro and focus the hovered dock item onto the screen your mouse is currently on via triggers (scroll up/down). So I forgot that I had a half-baked solution that uses an app called BetterTouchTool. Select no boxes apart from the end box: hide apps with no open window (tick the box).


Show Windows from: Active app, All spaces, All screens, show minimised windows and show hidden windows and show full screen windows. Select previous window (I deleted the keyboard shortcut too)

hyperdock album art

While open, press (delete the shortcut) focus selected window (I removed this function). Show Windows from: All apps, All spaces, All screens, show minimised windows and show hidden windows and show full screen windows. The settings are a little hard to get right at first so I will give you mine (if I get a moment free). I will provide you with all my settings (if I get the chance) because there is a learning curve. But it is far from a hyperdock alternative and does not offer a peek option per se. Try out the trials it can’t hurt right! If you really aren’t all that into buying paid apps and would much rather go for a free app then Alt-tab is pretty good. It is super, but it looks like it is being abandoned and has not been updated in over a year with the developer not replying to emails. I also use dockmate it is exceptional and almost a carbon copy of Hyperdock (it has a special calendar view where it shows upcoming events and I think music controls too when you hover over the music or spotify app similar to hyperdock. Apologies, my explanation may be confusing. It is far easier to minimise everything and just open the two windows fresh from the taskbar. it can be cumbersome and time consuming if you have five windows open to cycle through them and minimise three of them just to keep two on the screen.


This like the Microsoft Windows 10 ”peek to desktop” it can help to either get to stuff/files on the desktop or to reset the view to then open windows fresh without having to fiddle through the old ones. To bring them all back up you swipe up with two fingers on the menu bar. Swish has a special feature wherein you can minimise every window on your screen by swiping down with two fingers from the menu bar. This is like a modern take on ‘peek’ you’ll be pleasantly surprised. It is a really cheap app too, try the trial out.

hyperdock album art hyperdock album art

There is no other windows manager that can do this.

hyperdock album art

It is really cool, try it out because it will make more sense.


A really good windows manager is Rectangle Pro it has a feature built in where you can ‘stash’ or dock windows to the sides rather than minimising them.

Hyperdock album art